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Monitoring Evaluation and Learning References
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Monitoring Evaluation and Learning
Monitoring Evaluation and Learning References
Reference Name
Outcome Monitoring Survey of Households of Persons with Disabilities
Dajani Consulting conducted an Outcome Monitoring Exercise for the rehabilitation and early childhood development (ECD) component of the Humanity & Inclusion (HI) organization. The project involved data collection from over 500 households with members with disabilities who benefited from rehabilitation and early intervention services provided by healthcare institutions supported by HI. The activities included: • Updating beneficiaries’ information. • Formulating and training a team of field enumerators. • Organizing door-to-door data collection through face-to-face interviews using the Survey CTO platform. • Delivering the collected data electronically to HI.
End-of-Term Evaluation of “Supporting Economic Resilience for Refugees and Vulnerable Host Communities through Sustainable Job Creation in Turkey and Jordan Program”
In collaboration with Development Minds – Turkey, Dajani Consulting conducted an evaluation of the program implemented by SPARK International and its partners in Jordan and Turkey during 2020–2024. The program, funded by the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD), focused on four components: Skill-Up, Scale-Up, Match-Up, and Start-Up. The evaluation involved: • Data collection from more than 1,000 beneficiaries, representing Syrian refugees and host communities. • Utilizing various research tools, including Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI), Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI), Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs). • Preparing and submitting a comprehensive final report to SPARK and QFFD.
Global Education Policy Dashboard Survey (2019 and 2023)
The Global Education Policy Dashboard is a global initiative managed by the World Bank, implemented in 172 countries worldwide. Its primary objectives are to identify bottlenecks inhibiting student learning, provide guidelines for improving system performance, and use data analysis to predict variations in student achievement. Dajani Consulting supported its implementation in Jordan by assessing 250 public and private schools. The assessment included: • Observations of head teachers and directors. • Interviews with principals, head teachers, and teachers. • Evaluations of early learning in reading and mathematics for Grades 1 and 4. • Assessing school management practices. • Conducting interviews with over 200 key officials from the Ministry of Education.
Preparation of the Annual Report of JONAP
In 2022, the Jordan National Commission for Women (JNCW) undertook the preparation of the 2021 Annual Report for the Jordan National Action Plan (JONAP), implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security. The process, funded by UN Women, utilized the JONAP monitoring system and indicators. It included: • Interviews and meetings with key stakeholders and partners engaged in implementing the action plan across various sectors and community segments in Jordan. The final report was delivered in both Arabic and English.
Jordan Emergency Cash Transfer COVID-19 Response Project Independent Verification Agents
The Jordan National Aid Fund and the Ministry of Planning commissioned Dajani Consulting to verify the implementation of the COVID-19 Emergency Cash Transfer Project. Responsibilities included: • Ensuring the accuracy of Safety Net Transfer payments and Wage Subsidies. • Assessing the eligibility of project beneficiaries. • Verifying receipt of funds by participants in the Takaful-2, Takaful-3, and Istidama programs. The project involved contacting 12,000 participants, analyzing data, and preparing a comprehensive report.
End line Evaluation of national action plan of UNSCR 1325
To evaluate the outputs of the National Action Plan implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security, Dajani Consulting was commissioned by UN Women Jordan. The evaluation aimed to support the design of the project’s Phase II and included: • Qualitative and quantitative surveys of beneficiaries to identify strengths and challenges of the project. • Assessment of the communication and outreach strategy used during implementation. The findings provided insights for improving future initiatives and expanding project impact.
Evaluation of Targeting Mechanism of Takaful Program in Jordan
Dajani Consulting conducted an evaluation of the targeting mechanism for the Takaful program at the National Aid Fund (NAF), a supplementary social protection initiative financed by the World Bank. The evaluation process included: • Designing survey instruments and selecting a sample of 2,640 households, encompassing both beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of the Takaful program. • Conducting a comprehensive household survey and organizing focus group discussion sessions. These activities provided valuable insights for assessing and improving the program’s effectiveness.
Evaluation of META JO
The EU delegation in Jordan provided a technical assistance project to support the government of Jordan, represented by the Prime Ministry and the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, in establishing a monitoring and evaluation system for Jordan Vision 2025 and the Executive Development Plan of Jordan. Dajani Consulting was an integral part of the evaluation team for this project and was involved in all phases of the evaluation process. The work aimed to assess the projects effectiveness in supporting the governments strategic objectives, and Dajani Consulting played a crucial role in evaluating its implementation, methodologies, and outcomes.
Providing Opportunities with Education (POWER-J) Data Collection
The objective of the POWER-J program is to evaluate the impact of socio-emotional and pedagogical classroom interventions on students’ cognitive and behavioral skills. Additionally, the evaluation aims to assess the broader effects of these interventions on improving the overall teaching and learning environment. If proven effective, the Ministry of Education plans to institutionalize the program to enhance the educational system at scale. Dajani Consulting was contracted by the World Bank to conduct midline and end-line surveys, collecting data from students and teachers in 105 treatment schools and 105 control schools. The focus was on social emotional learning (SEL) and its influence on students’ socio-emotional skills, using various survey instruments. The collected data was then used to generate clean datasets, which were instrumental in measuring the outcomes of the behavioral lessons and pedagogical interventions implemented in both the treatment and control schools. The data from these surveys was essential for assessing the effectiveness of the program and its potential for wider adoption.
Independent Verification of Use of Services by Targeted Beneficiaries for the Jordan Emergency Health Program (JEHP) 2018-2023
Jordan has secured financing from the World Bank and the Islamic Development Bank through a loan, implemented by the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, with the support of the Ministry of Health and the Audit Bureau. This funding is designated to cover the operational costs associated with providing healthcare services to Syrian refugees and economically vulnerable Jordanians under the Jordan Emergency Health Program. The objective of the verification assignment is to provide robust evidence regarding the actual utilization of healthcare services by the target beneficiaries. Dajani Consulting has been engaged as the independent, unbiased verification entity (UVE) to assess the use of services. The findings from this verification will inform the Ministry of Planning’s decisions on financial reimbursements from the World Bank and Islamic Development Bank to the Ministry of Health. The assignment involves preparing a sample of healthcare centers, hospitals, and patients. It includes conducting field visits to verify the records at healthcare facilities, followed by comprehensive data analysis and reporting. The project, which began in 2016, is set to continue through 2023.